Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm a neglectful SOB, I know.

I vow to turn over a new leaf and update the blog regularly, and look. More than 2 weeks go by with nary an entry. I'm a loathsome brute, I know.

Work is... work. While it's cool to be working in the video game industry, I'm not sure they know what they want to do with me yet. So I've just been getting random assignments, which I complete quickly and to my boss' satisfaction. We're holding a press event in Las Vegas this week to announce a new game, but unfortunately I didn't get to go.

Other stuff: I've been watching a shit-load of football, and a lot of the new fall shows (which will get their own separate entry soon). Gaming, naturally - that should also probably get its own entry, just because we're getting into the thick of it right now and there is a whole lot to talk about, especially post TGS and X06.

Last Saturday my family was in town for the National Book Festival. My mom was with her book club, so I traipsed around the Mall for several hours with my dad and sister. It was fairly boring, as there weren't really any authors I was interested in hearing (my dad wanted to hear Kay Bailey Hutchinson, but started wandering off after about 5 minutes). We hoofed down to the WWII Memorial, which neither of them had seen yet (I'd been there a few years ago when it first opened). Then back to the Book Festival for more wandering, then down Pennsylvania Avenue to see the White House (both sides, North Portico and Truman Balcony, which doesn't sound that bad until you actually walk it, especially after you've already been walking nonstop for several hours), then back to Bethesda for a late lunch/early dinner. We finished in time to bid them adieu before I caught a showing of Science of Sleep.

Again, that should be its own entry. But to sum up - it's good. Really good. Go see it.

But speaking of sleep... off I go.


Blogger Kit said...

I have to say that this fall season is the best as far as escapism television each and every night. You can rot your brain on this stuff easily. :-)

4:13 PM  

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