Sunday, September 24, 2006

I know it's been awhile, but I've been away.

Okay, not really.

But it was pointed out to me that I've been neglecting this here blog (Hi, Anna!), so I thought I should post.

So, the new job. It's going well. Not sure I've really won over anyone in the development area, but my immediate supervisors seem to like what I've been doing. Ironically, since I started I haven't laid hands on a single controller while at work, though I did discover that employees get a significant discount on the company's releases ($10 for regular, $15 for collector's editions). The food in the cafeteria is pretty good, too.

While I haven't gotten to play at work, I have been doing a bunch at home. Most recent purchases include Okami for the PS2, which is utterly gorgeous, and Advance Wars for the DS. I ran through a quick estimate in Excel and arrived at the conclusion that I'm going to need roughly $14,000 to buy all the releases I'm interested in this fall. It's a good thing I'm getting paid more now, I guess.

Okay, I'm just back from the bar and I'm slightly tipsy and I ate way too much and can't think to write anything witty here so I'll post more later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes - just cause you have a new job doesn't mean you can't be bitter and bitchy on a blog. ;-)

2:32 PM  

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