Sunday, July 16, 2006


If you know one thing about the D.C. area, it should be this: during the summer, it tends to get hot. Really hot.

Part of that is, of course, due to seasonal changes - it's summer, it's supposed to be hot. But part of it is also due to geography. This area was basically built on a swamp. (Those of you who follow the goings-on on Capitol Hill might say that it still is a swamp, just in a more metaphorical sense; I find myself unable to effectively argue against that point.)

But regardless of why... it's hot. And apparently it's going to be especially bad this week. Including today.

For the past ten days or so, we've been locked into a weather pattern which has, among other things, resulted in what is known in meteorological circles as "nasty fucking humidity" (you'll never hear weather people say that, of course - it's sort of like The Aristocrats, but for PSU grads). And it shows no sign of abating at least until the weekend, if then.

Now, I "lived" in Mississippi for a few years (stories of which could fill multiple blog posts, but that's for another time). I dare say the summers here are nearly as bad as they are there, where the heat hits you like a brick in the face when you walk outside and the humidity quickly diminishes your ability to breathe (and, on the worst days, possibly even your will to live).

So yeah, I'm going to be indoors for as much as possible over the next few days. The weekdays are definitely the worst, since not only am I forced to go outside in order to go to work, but I have to do so in multiple layers in order to conform to some fascist "dress code". I hate wearing pants. Damn The Man.


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