Friday, July 07, 2006

They're idiots, one and all.

Let’s see… some parents, in order to prevent unwanted sexual activity, are doing things to their daughters now which may have terrible effects in the long run.

Now, where have I heard that before? And I'm sure a good number of these conservatives probably consider themselves much more educated and "civilized" than the average Cameroonian. Yet, when it comes right down to it, they're doing the exact same thing.

To borrow from Russell, this is why I am not a Christian. I’m really tired of their antiquated notions regarding sexuality. When the hell are they going to come to their senses and realize sex is a biological drive, just like the need to eat, drink, or find shelter from the elements? Sure, maybe it can be put off longer than those others, but people can only hold out so long. I know the fundies don’t like to think about it (“Intelligent” Design, anyone?) but humans are, in fact, animals. Animals start copulating as soon as they’re able – is it really all the surprising that humans might actually want to, too?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhm since my breasts didn't really materialize until I was around 15/16 - I think I would have been exempt from the ironing practice. Another twist on the sick things that mothers do. Of course they could just tell their daughters that they were ugly like my mom did. A lot less effort and it sure kept me from dating for a long time. ;-) Sick but true.

11:32 PM  

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