Thursday, July 06, 2006

If you offer me a scone, so help me…

Just finished my afternoon “cuppa”. Now I’m feeling pretty warm. Almost uncomfortably so. Even though it’s cooled down somewhat from the last few days, this is still D.C. in July, after all, and my (windowless) office has piss-poor air circulation.

I was ardently anti-non-cola-caffeinated-beverage for most of my life (okay, that’s not entirely true – I was on a cappuccino kick for a while in college – my mom even used to send me Irish Crème capp mix in care packages that I would mix with water heated up in the communal microwave and drink out of a cool C3P0 mug, now broken). Until a few months ago, that is. I got sick of just drinking water at work and decided to start using the Flavia machine in the pantry. Hey, it’s free and I was bored.

The first day didn’t go so well. A cup of coffee, followed pretty quickly by some tea, then a soda at lunch (I’ve since moved to mostly non-caffeinated brands), then another cup of tea. As you can guess, I was a jittery mess by 3, and probably didn’t get to sleep until 3 in the morning. Bad, stupid move.

As with most things, moderation is key, so I decided not to do that much again. I was drinking 2 cups of coffee a day for a while, then started to alternate coffee-tea, and now I just drink tea. Now, I’ve never really liked tea. I still don’t, actually (though hot tea is, for whatever reason, more palatable than iced). But, it’s good for you, and if I can get more healthier just by drinking something, I’ll do it.

Speaking of healthy, I recently resumed a) getting fresh fruit at Whole Foods (expensive, but they have the best quality stuff in this area by far) and 2) going to the gym (still sore after my trip on Tuesday – I should be close enough to “normal” to go on Saturday AM before settling in to watch the women’s final at Wimbledon – sorry, Maria). Soon I will be an Adonis. Just you wait.

(If you’ve ever seen a picture of me, you will find that last line hysterically funny.)


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