Lazy Sunday (and Saturday, and Friday...)

It was nice and relaxing (and hot, of course - yes, that picture above is the current state of things here - 97/107 - but it was still pretty nasty up in PA over the weekend).
I managed to get done pretty much everything I wanted to get done, at least. Except for golf, as I mentioned previously. And I’m sure my mom will not be overly pleased with the job I did cleaning my room, but most of the old crap is gone or at least better organized, and I managed to extract all the porn without incident, which is what really matters.
None of my friends was around so it was just me all by my lonesome. Plus three fuzzy puppies. The dogs generally behaved themselves, but Miss Molly was chewing everything she could get her little paws on (because the house is relatively dog-proofed, it was dog toys mostly, but she kept managing to tip over the trash can in my bathroom – I will never understand why she loves chewing used q-tips so much). And Beau kept trying to eat Peaches’ turds. Damn disgusting dog. I had to take Peaches and Beau (both large golden retrievers) to get groomed on Friday – getting them from the car into the grooming area of Petsmart was like trying to wrangle the hounds of hell. Peaches couldn’t manage the slick linoleum floor, and kept skidding, and barked incessantly while I was talking to the groomer to get them checked in.
Aside from trying to recover from this stupid weird lite sick I’ve still got going on (I’m convinced that the dust kicked up while I was cleaning has exacerbated, or at least prolonged, the condition), this weekend was all about media of every stripe. Went to see Clerks II and Miami Vice (reviews later, maybe) and watched the (utterly crappy and still unnamed) Netflix DVD (up next: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas). Bought Meteos and X-Men Legends II, and played a bit of both. I also used a 15% off coupon at B&N and got two graphic novels (or trade paperbacks, for the nitpickers out there) which I have only started to read. So yeah, I really kind of geeked out. Just a lil' bit.
Oh, and I also watched a couple episodes of Entourage (my parents get HBO – I don’t). It was okay, but not quite as great as I’d been lead to believe. Maybe I need to see it from the beginning (hello, Netflix queue). In any case, it was a good deal better than the truly wretched fare HBO has vomited up in the recent past (“So… it’s about three prostitutes and their mother?”).
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