Monday, July 24, 2006

Oh yes... there will be blood.

Blood… and pain. I had lots of both this morning.

First, the blood. Now ordinarily I’m very careful with my razor (contrary to what the commercials would have you believe, there are those of us who enjoy shaving, or at the very least don’t mind it – I prefer being clean-shaven, though I’ve been told I look particularly rugged and sexy when I don’t touch a razor for 2-3 days, and since those adjectives are applied to me so infrequently, I’ve considered trying for that look on a more frequent basis). Today, however – I just don’t know. Not only did I knick myself on the scar under my chin (the one I got from the movie debacle I posted about last week), but I also managed to slice open my ear. And it just kept bleeding and bleeding. Some got on the collar of my shirt, so I had to change (will have to wash it tonight – hopefully it will come out with some bleach). Eventually I was able to staunch the flow and apply a band-aid, but try to picture me standing at the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of cereal with a strip of napkin attached to my ear. This is how my day began.

And the pain. Went to the gym yesterday after I got back from PA. Since I’ve started going more regularly, my body has been bouncing back quicker. However, yesterday I really pushed – did four different weight exercises instead of the usual three, and attempted to run, rather pathetically, on the treadmill. My upper body hurts from all the weight work, and my quads are killing me because of the running. I’m also worried about my knee, which wasn’t feeling too good to begin with. I don’t think I can do the treadmill every time (not worried about the next-day pain so much as my knee), but maybe once in a while when I’m feeling particularly ambitious.

Now I’m back in the office and about to settle in with my tea and start… um… what is it I do, again?


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